What is a copyright? Copyright is a term that is used to describe the rights that a creator has over their works and the creator has the right to do any act in accordance with the Copyright Act (1994).

What works can be copyrighted?
Under section 4 of the Copyright Act, the following works can be copyrighted:
- Literary works
- Dramatic works
- Computer programs
- Artistic works
including - painting or drawing - sculpture - lithography - architecture - photographic works - illustrations - applied art
- Musical works
- Audiovisual works
- Cinematographic works
- Sound recordings
- Broadcasting works

Rights of the Copyright Owner

Section 15 of the Copyright Act declares that the owner of a copyright shall have the following rights:
1. Reproduction or adaptation
2. Communication to the public
3. Rental of the original or the copies of a computer program, an audiovisual work, a cinematographic work and sound recordings
4. Assigning benefits accruing from copyright to other persons
5. Licensing the rights mentioned in items (1), (2) or (3), with or without conditions, provided that such conditions shall not unfairly restrict competition

Copyright Infringement

If you take the time to copyright your work and someone uses your copyrighted work without permission this act is considered an infringement of copyright. Here are some examples of copyright infringement:

Reproduction or adaptation
Communication to the public
Rental of the original or copies of a work
Reproducing an audiovisual work, a cinematographic work, a sound recording or a sound and video broadcasting work whether in whole or in part
Rebroadcasting whether in whole or in part
Making a sound and video broadcasting work to be heard or seen in public in return for the payment of money or other commercial benefits

Any person who commits the following acts against the work for profit is considered to have infringed copyright:
Selling, holding for sale, offering for sale, letting, offering for lease, selling by hire purchase or offering for hire purchase
Communication to the public
Distribution in a manner which may cause damage to the owner of the copyright

Copyright Registration Process

Since Thailand is a member country of the Berne Convention, copyright is awarded to the creator without formal registration. However, you should contact an intellectual property lawyer to assist you to deposit your work with the Copyright Office of the Department of Intellectual Property. This can then be utilized as evidence of ownership in case of a copyright disputes.

To safeguard your intellectual property, it is essential to consult an intellectual property lawyer who can assist you in registering your work. This registration serves as crucial evidence of ownership in the event of copyright disputes. By having your work officially registered, you strengthen your legal position and can effectively protect your creative rights. Professional Corporate Services has the experience and expertise to ensure your work is properly protected and your rights are upheld.

Our Copyright Services

Professional Corporate Services provides essential Copyright Services performed by qualified intellectual property lawyers. Our copyright services include:
Providing strategic advice to the client
Conducting all legal searches
Providing a detailed list of documents required
Reviewing all the submitted documents for accuracy
Completing the required forms and applications
Submitting the required all documents and evidences to the Department of Intellectual Property, Copyright Department
Dealing with copyright infringement issues
Filing Oppositions and appeals

Summary - Copyright Registration In Thailand

We at PCS are qualified to handle copyright registration as well as copyright infringement matters. Our team of qualified intellectual property lawyers can certainly assist and provide copyright protection services, even in the most complicated matters. If you would like more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your matter. We will be pleased to offer you a FREE consultation.

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